Possible Wiki Discord Server?
It surprises me the Dick Figures community has yet to have a dedicated Discord Server. I know the series has long since ended but many shows have ended yet still get discord servers. Hell, Happy Tree Friends has some.
Rating all the episodes
Hello, this will show all episodes where i give them ratings. The reason why i rate them all at once is because there's not too many episodes, so i decided to say how i would rate each episode.
Note: If you want to talk to me, do it in the message wall. And i'm sorry if i am giving an episode you like a bad rating, keep in mind that this is my opinion on each episode and i will respect your opinion as well. Also, if you wonder why i dislike those episodes that i give bad ratings to, look at my profile. It explains the reasons why i don't like the episodes.
Stick Figures - Good
Season 1:
A Bee or Something - Good
Panda Hat - Great
Flame War - Great
Traffic Jams - Amazing
Steakosaurus - Amazing
OMG - Good
Trouble Date - Great
Kitty Amazing - Bad
A special announcement
Everyone!!!! I have joined the community!!!! Please follow me!!!!!
Cyan, Cyning out!
Snow White/Dick Figures
Once upon a time . . . in a great castle, a Prince's daughter grew up happy and contented, in spite of a jealous stepmother. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and fair, and so she was called Snow White (kid) . Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful. Though her stepmother was a wicked woman (Pink), she too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked it. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the loveliest lady in the land?" The reply was always; "You are, your Majesty," until the dreadful day when she heard it say, "Snow White is the loveliest in the land." The stepmother was furious and, wild with jealousy, began plotting to get rid of her …
So I found my blog posts here from when I was twelve and in sixth grade, and holy crud. I'm cringing so hard. How did anybody here put up with my idiotic twelve-ness??? I wanna go back in time and throw my twelve-year-old self down the stairs now. At the time I joined here, I was going through puberty, so I was kind of really stupid.
Some of my most cringe-worthy contributions include Waffles Survey, Does this make me crazy?, FACTS ABOUT BUNNIES, and a very interesting survey.
Ah, anyway, I'm gonna try not to quote Elsa from Frozen here, but the past is in the past. I'm fifteen and no longer twelve, and I don't even like Dick Figures anymore. I can't believe that I was obsessed with it for several months. Now, I'm more into We Bare Bears, In…
Hi world
So this is the blog. NEATO.
I am Leo, i explained alot of myself in my channel page, and this is my first blog post. Yay :3
Be excited, i will post more blog posts soon.
I can't beleaive this!
- 1 I don't know why I can't login to the fanon, but it's getting on my nerves. I do not know what I have done, but I did not run away from the fanon even though was angry at and offended by a couple of you for your tone towards me and for being a bit insensitive. I'm also shocked and horrified that DF Fan commited suicide, we were just getting to know eachother! (Same with Metal it is.) She's the one who helped and consoled me when I was feeling let down. I also never got a chance to meet A figures rock, who I'm rather curious about. Hopefully I will get back on the fanon soon. I just wonder how I'm going to ask image requests from the fanon, or speak to your characters. I miss them so(especially Wolf), even if some of them are troublemakers…
Dick Figures Wikia is probably dead
There's no joke that the Dick Figures Fanon Wikia is still doing very well, but I think the canon Wikia could be dying.
We haven't had many edits and anything actually new for Dick Figures.
A Dick Figures Theatrical Film is in the works by Mondo Media
Dick Figures The Video Game!?
According to an interview with the nerdist, Ed Skudder and Zack Keller were in talks for making a video game that is a direct sequel to Dick Figures The Movie. Now this is just a rumor, and it's possible that it may not happen since we haven't anything about a video game. The basic objective of the game is to kill zombies (wow, very original?), and the game would be available to purchase on Xbox 360 and Wii U. Now my opinion on this subject matter is that this feels odd.
First off, Dick Figures The Movie ended up being a successful film, becoming one of the most talked movies online. So making a sequel into a videogame is a mistake, because we've seen that experiment before (remember Wanted back in 2008, they made a sequel into a videogame…
So after one year, after the donates, after this all time we will have a movie, new episodes and more DickFigures!
Let's wait ( than watch ) the Movie!
Thanks for you all.
New to this wiki and hope not to be a pain in th @ss. Wow, many pins to eran already. Time to go to work.
The Wiki's Alliance
Because I have a habit of joining everything Wikia has to offer:
It is now the time for you, the DF Wiki Editors, to decide our wiki's alliance. The voting will end the next time I check on the wiki.
Official Dick Figures Forums
Ed and Zack have finally made a Dick Figures Forum page on the official Dick Figures website.
Check it out here: http://richardfigures.com/forums/
Note: You need to have an account to post there.
So you know that Dick Figures keeps on releasing these promos for other Mondo Media Shows because of its popularity and according to a YouTuber only known as"Lyynsane" the movie will only be shown to those who donated to kickstarter. So not only will we not see any knew episodes, most of us also won't be able to see the movie.
Dick Figures! Fan of Red! :)
DICK FIGURES IS so awesome!! i want to see the MOVIE soon! :) i wish! the movie is On now! :) i want to know what will happened in Dick Figures the Movie! , My Favorite Episode in Dick Figures is A "A Bee or Something" "Robot Frog" "Kitty Amazing"
Rough movie release estimate
I have 2 days of no classes and got bored so I'll do an estimation on the movie...
Since they said that it takes 2 weeks to get 1 episode done, that will be the range of 3-5 minutes per 2 weeks.
The movie will be 40 minutes long.
40/3= 13.33 --> 13*14 (2 weeks)= 182 days
40/5= 8 --> 8*14= 112 days
it's in the range of 112 - 182 days
They started doing the project on August 8 (said in Facebook)
Aug. 8+112 days= around Nov. 26
Aug. 8+182 days= around Feb. 4, 2013
It's possible that the release of the movie will be in this range: November 26 - February 4, 2013
WARNING: This is only a rough estimate. Don't get your hopes up too much.
Hello Welcome to The MEME Tournament. Now, the bracket is the same one as from the Reddit Meme Tournament 2012 BUT I thought "Hey, how about we show the DFWiki Community this?" So here it is:
PLEASE VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE MEME You have only until September 7, 2012 to vote (September 6 if living in the Americas). For this round.
Does this make me crazy?
If Red and Blue were real, I would ask Red to kiss my right cheek and Blue to kiss my left cheek and then duck down so Red and Blue kiss each other!!!! XD Is that weird? Fluffydragonpuppy (talk) 23:56, July 31, 2012 (UTC)
For those who cannot watch the Dick Figures movie
EDIT: I will be uploading at Mediafire.com. If that link goes down I will post it on ThePirateBay.
EDIT 2: To get the link to the movie you will have to created your account before November 2012.
Now that the movie is successfully funded and will be about 40 - 45 minutes, I had one thing in mind when I donated. What about those that could not donate. So I made this blog post for one thing. For those that could not donate, should I post it on a download link when it's done so that it is available for only Dick Figures Wiki members and more specifically, those that could not donate?
...I am with a FUCKED ailment on my left leg,and the ADIM want me out of here...
Poquito Verde
I'm here to say hello!And to say again that I,m glad!
Cyanide and Happiness fans, has this occurred to you?
Well... I just found out, the Explosm team are friends, and they really know each other O.o, have anybody seen this post before me???? Down there. The real post here: http://forums.explosm.net/showthread.php?t=87157
Dick Figures The Movie! We got 250 000$!
I'm suprised I was the first one to realise it, but Dick Figures: the Movie will be made! They just got 250 000$ today, 12/07/2012 at 1:00 Pm.
So yeah, just wanted to share the news!
I'm so happy, can't wait for this 30 minutes movie, it's gonna be awsoome!
EDIT (16/07/2012): TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF FUNDATION. And they actually got over 300 000$!!! Wow!! So many fans, I'm suprised.
So yeah, In the end, we'll have a 40 minutes movie instead of 30 minutes!! Any of you guys watched the live stream? :D Dick Figures has proven to be successful and...well... me gusta.
EpicBlue... (talk) 17:53, July 12, 2012 (UTC)
Ask the Admins
Welcome to the first ever Admin AmA (Ask me Anything!). Here you can ask the admins, well, ANYTHING YOU WANT! Wiki Stuff, Other Wikis, Personal Stuff, Internet Activity, Gaming etc. If you are pertaining to a certain admin just say so! It's so simple so start asking.
This will start from the day it was posted until the end of July.
Even admins can ask other admins, just come on in and ask some stuff
First and new fannon episode.
Red and Blue gets caught in a street gangs territory and heavily outnumbered. But a new figure appears and Red wants to join him to take down the gang leaders dragging Blue with him. Now they venture through dangerous streets to take down the gang.
Check it out and see what kind of shit happens.
Ask Me Anything?!
Guys I've been thinking maybe I should start an AmA. For the wiki to ask and answer questions and to take suggestions from the community. Only, there's 3 platforms I can think of putting this AmA.
1.)This Wiki 2.)Reddit 3.)The WikiForums 4.)A facebook page (I can make one) Tell me what you guys think and I'll see you later! :D
The DIck Figures Movie
Hey! I am just as exited for the movie as you are but I cant donate so I'm going to tell you about the movie
To use Kickstarter, you need a credit card and follow the intructions. If you dont have a gift card, its easy! Just get a mastercard gift card or something like that and use that as a credit card. Just today the reached the 50,000 dollar mark and still people are pledging. Kickstarter is all or nothing so there will be no movie if the goal isnt reached.
Check back when the the movie comes out or its close.
The Kickstarter website
Improving this wiki
Over the weekend, I will update this wiki, and try to improve it by adding transcripts and making everything better and smoother.
Any arguments can be posted on my talkpage.
The Portal - Part 1
HungryGrox and Stick775 come to the Dick Figure world as STICK FIGURES! What will happen? Dick Figures - The Portal Script
Red: Blue, guess what today is!
Blue: I don't know, Bug The Crap Out Of A Person day?
Red: No, that was the on the s**ty 2th. Today is the day where you Ask What Today is, f**k yeah!
Blue: I don't think there is a single person in this world-- no. There is not a single person in this UNIVERSE annoying as you. Not a single person!
(A portal opens, where HungryGrox and Stick775 step out.)
HungryGrox: Where the hell are we?
Stick775: What's going on?
Blue: Who are you?
HungryGrox: Well I'm HungryGrox and this is my buddy, Stick776.
Stick775: That is not my name, and what the hell kind of name is Stick776?
Hungry Grox: A gay name. Th…