Pussy Magnet | |
Season 4, Episode 2 | |
![]() Red teaches Blue how to be sexier. | |
Air date | April 18, 2012 (DF Website)
April 19, 2012 (YouTube) |
Episode run time | 2:00 |
Episode guide | |
Previous Losing Streakers |
Next Taco Tuesday |
Dick Figures - Pussy Magnet
Pussy Magnet is the second episode of Season 4, and the 32nd episode of Dick Figures. It was released on the Dick Figures website on April 19.
To help Blue lubricate his limp game, Red shares his three-step plan for getting foreplay started again.
- Many Girls
- Pink
(Red is shown dancing to music at the beginning, then Blue walks up & stops.)
Blue: Hey, dude, I think I need your advice.
Red: 'Sup, bitch?
Blue: Pink & I are having some problems. I'm worried I lost my game.
Red: Son, you never had game!
(Camera speeds to the left, to a greenish blue person.)
Greenish blue person: OOWWW!
(Camera speeds to the left again, to an orange person.)
Orange person: Oww, shit!
(Camera speeds for the last time to the left to an owl perched in a tree.)
Owl: N-nn
(Camera goes back to Red.)
Red: I'm like a puss maaagnet!
(A small kitten is shot into the back of Red's head)
Blue: Come on man, I need your help!
Red: (Shown with 3 kittens on him this time) Nope.
Blue: You get all kinds of ladies!
Red: (shown with 7 kittens) Can't help ya.
Blue: Pleaase dude? I'll let you- Uhhh...
Red: (shown with 18 kittens, until Red knocks 1 off) Can I punch you in the face?
Blue: Ughh... Fine~ You can punch me in the f- (Gets cut short by Red, who punches him in the face & possibly knocks him out)
Red: (walks off, covered in cats, in a mysterious voice) The cats have spoken.
(Time lapse. Scene changes to a park with 2 girls sitting on a bench (with a cat underneath) & a bush which Red & Blue proceed to jump into)
Red: 1st thing you gotta do is surprise them. Ladies love surprises. Check this out! (Red jumps out of the bush with a bucket filled with water & throws it over the 2 girls) SURPRISE!!!
(After a moment of confusion, the 2 girls start french kissing. Throughout the next line, sexual sounds from the girls making out can be heard.)
Red: Alright, stay here! I'm a show you how a threesome works, yeaaahhh! (Cow bells heard in the background.) Here comes the milkman!
girls: huh?
(Back to the original scene)
Red: Alright step 2! Confidence! When you talk to mademoiselles, you got to be direct. (Red walks up to a pink-purple girl) Hey baby, pardon my French, but I wanna fuck!
Pink-purple: Oooh, French is so beautiful. What does it mean?
Red: It means: I wanna fuic!
Pink-purple: Ooh! (Red & Pink-purple start to make out on the ground) Ooh-la-la!
Blue: (All the while, the sounds of Red & Pink-Purple making out are audible) Okay, ehh... Oh no! OAGH!
Red: (off-screen as he has sex with Pink-Purple) I'll put my Eiffel Tower in your Arch of Triumph!
(Time lapse. Red & Pink-Purple have finished, and Red is looking high)
Blue: Alright, I think I've seen enough for one day.
Red: The last lesson is: You-need-to-be-suaave!
(Camera zooms on Red's hat & a whistling sound is heard)
Blue: What does that mean?
Red: It means you need a sexy hat! (whip crack, and another whistle sound, followed by zooming in on the hat)
Blue: (exasperated) I don't think a sexy hat has anything to do with it- (gets interrupted by a dark purple woman admiring Red's hat)
Purple: (To Red) Is that a hat?
Orange: (To Red) Oh, I'm so horny!
Blood orange: (To Red) Oh my God, you're so suave! (cat meows)
Red: (To Blue) So remember, all you need to do is surprise her, be confident, and get a sick lid!
Blue: (sighs) Goddammit... Okay.
(Time lapse. Scene cuts to Pink in her room on a bed reading the Hunger Games (could be Hungr Dames, a bit unclear). Pink flips a page backwards, suddenly, Blue bursts into the room wearing a sombrero.)

Pink: (Screams & pulls out a gun & shoots Blue, who falls back through the doorway) BLUE, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!
Blue: The bullet...in my body.
(Time lapse. Scene cuts to Blue in a wheelchair with multipule wounds & Red with kittens on him)
Red: How'd it go?
Blue: Next time, I'm asking Lord Tourettes.
(Lord Tourettes appears from the side of the screen)
Lord Tourettes: Oh-hohoho! You know, all you really need is a biiig DI-
(Episode End)
(After credits)
Blue: (In a wheelchair) Figures.
- The episode begins in the same place it began in the very first episode, A Bee or Something.
- Usually 'Pussy Magnet' refers to something that attracts women, but in this case, Red attracts both women & kittens.
- Pink likes the Hungr Dames, which is a parody of the book; The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
- This is the 1st time Lord Tourettes gets the last word (Dick before the credits).
- This is the only episode so far when the logo was spoken in the series.
- On the Dick Figures website it's just called Puss Magnet (without the "y").
- This is the shortest episode of Season 4, being one second shorter than "Ocho Muerte".
Recurring Gags[]
Auto-tune Use[]
Floating Red[]
When Red tells Blue that he "never had game", Red floats on the 'had'.
Episode Ending[]
Normal letter I's, but a major change. The Dick Figures logo shakes, and the Episode Ending is dextended.
The Last Line Being Cut[]
When Lord Tourettes tells Blue that all he needs is a "Big DI-" Then the ending music plays, and Blue is shown saying "figures."